$ python -V ##current version
python 2.6.5
$ curl -kL https://raw.github.com/utahta/pythonbrew/master/pythonbrew-install | bash
##must use this command
to make install pythonbrew completely
echo "source ~/.pythonbrew/etc/bashrc" >> ~/.bashrc
##add pythonbrew to system path
$ sudo echo export PATH=\"\$PATH:~/.pythonbrew/bin\" >> /etc/profile
##this command will take a long time depend on your computer
becasue it will compile
##python to install. You can use "top" to check cpu rate.
$ pythonbrew install 2.7.2
##After installed, switch to python 2.7.2
$ pythonbrew switch 2.7.2
switched to Python-2.7.2
$ python -V
python 2.7.2