2016年9月13日 星期二

Neo4j Cluster Setting

# Whether this instance should only participate as slave in cluster. If # set to true, it will never be elected as master.
ha.slave_only=false //uncommenting this line

This line will let neo4j different instances play role as master or slave.
If master server down, slave will become master.
If master server up again, this server will become slave.

2016年9月9日 星期五

NAS ping的通但無法登入解決辦法

1. 區域連線->內容->網路功能->選擇Client for Microsoft Networks 2. 點安裝->用戶端->新增->選擇網路用戶端xxx, 按確定 3. 網卡停用, 重新啟用, 完成.